Source code for director.splinewidget

import PythonQt
from PythonQt import QtCore, QtGui

import director.objectmodel as om
import director.visualization as vis
from director import transformUtils
from director import applogic as app
from director import vtkAll as vtk
import numpy as np

[docs]class SplineEndEffectorPlanner(object): def __init__(self, handFactory, robotModel, view): self.handFactory = handFactory self.robotModel = robotModel self.view = view self.side = None self.rotationStartIndex = 0 self.rotationEndIndex = -2 self.splineWidget = vtk.vtkSplineWidget2() self.splineWidget.SetInteractor(self.view.renderWindow().GetInteractor()) self.observerTag = self.splineWidget.AddObserver('InteractionEvent', self.onWidgetInteractionEvent) def __del__(self): self.splineWidget.Off() self.splineWidget.SetInteractor(None) self.splineWidget = None
[docs] def getSplineWidget(self): ''' Returns the vtkSplineWidget2 object ''' return self.splineWidget
[docs] def getHandlePoints(self): ''' Returns a list of xyz points that are the handle points. ''' rep = self.splineWidget.GetRepresentation() handlePoints = [] for i in xrange(rep.GetNumberOfHandles()): pt = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] rep.GetHandlePosition(i, pt) handlePoints.append(pt) return handlePoints
[docs] def setHandlePoints(self, handlePoints): ''' Set the spline handle points, given a list of xyz points. ''' rep = self.splineWidget.GetRepresentation() rep.SetNumberOfHandles(len(handlePoints)) for i, pt in enumerate(handlePoints): rep.SetHandlePosition(i, pt)
[docs] def computeHandleParameterization(self): ''' Returns the list of handle parameterized coordinates. A coordinate is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 being the start and 1.0 being the end. Handles are parameterized by distance along the spline where distance is computed as the straight line distance between two handle points. ''' handlePoints = self.getHandlePoints() distanceBetweenPoints = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(handlePoints, axis=0)**2, axis=1)) totalLength = np.sum(distanceBetweenPoints) handleParameterization = [0.0] for dist in distanceBetweenPoints: handleParameterization.append((handleParameterization[-1] + dist)) assert handleParameterization[-1] == totalLength handleParameterization = np.array(handleParameterization) / totalLength #print 'handle parameterization:', handleParameterization return handleParameterization
[docs] def getPalmFrame(robotModel, side): linkName = '%s_hand_face' % side[0] return robotModel.getLinkFrame(linkName)
[docs] def getReachGoalFrame(side): return om.findObjectByName('%s_hand constraint frame' % side[0])
[docs] def createSplineInterpolationMethod(self, palmFrame, goalFrame): handPos = np.array(palmFrame.GetPosition()) goalPos = np.array(goalFrame.GetPosition()) up = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) goalUp = [0.0, -1.0, 0.0] goalFrame.TransformVector(goalUp, goalUp) goalUp = np.array(goalUp) offset = 0.2 handlePoints = [ handPos, handPos + offset*up, #handPos + (offset+0.001)*up, #handPos + (offset+0.002)*up, #goalPos + (offset+0.002)*goalUp, #goalPos + (offset+0.001)*goalUp, goalPos + offset*goalUp, goalPos, ] def interpolateSplineFrame(u): assert 0.0 <= u <= 1.0 pt = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.splineWidget.GetRepresentation().GetParametricSpline().Evaluate([u,0.0,0.0], pt, range(9)) handleParameterization = self.computeHandleParameterization() if u >= handleParameterization[self.rotationEndIndex]: uu = 1.0 elif u <= handleParameterization[self.rotationStartIndex]: uu = 0.0 else: uu = (u - handleParameterization[self.rotationStartIndex]) / (handleParameterization[self.rotationEndIndex] - handleParameterization[self.rotationStartIndex]) #print 'rescaled u:', u, '-->', uu t = transformUtils.frameInterpolate(palmFrame, goalFrame, uu) t.PostMultiply() t.Translate(np.array(pt) - np.array(t.GetPosition())) return t return handlePoints, interpolateSplineFrame
[docs] def updateSplineWidget(self, frame): palmFrame = self.getPalmFrame(self.robotModel, self.side) goalFrame = frame.transform handlePoints, self.splineInterp = self.createSplineInterpolationMethod(palmFrame, goalFrame) self.setHandlePoints(handlePoints) self.showHandSamples() self.view.render()
[docs] def onWidgetInteractionEvent(self, o, e): folder = om.findObjectByName('sampled hands') if not folder: return handObjs = folder.children() numberOfSamples = len(handObjs) for i, handObj in enumerate(handObjs): t = self.splineInterp(i/float(numberOfSamples-1)) handObj.children()[0].copyFrame(t)
[docs] def showHandSamples(self, numberOfSamples=15): om.removeFromObjectModel(om.findObjectByName('sampled hands')) handFolder = om.getOrCreateContainer('sampled hands', parentObj=om.getOrCreateContainer('debug')) for i in xrange(numberOfSamples): t = self.splineInterp(i/float(numberOfSamples-1)) handObj, f = self.handFactory.placeHandModelWithTransform(t, self.view, side=self.side, name='sample %d' % i, parent=handFolder) handObj.setProperty('Alpha', 0.3) handFolder.setProperty('Visible', False)
[docs] def getSplineSegmentSamples(self): params = self.computeHandleParameterization() segments = zip(params, params[1:]) times = [np.linspace(segment[0], segment[1], 6) for segment in segments] times = [[0.0, 0.25, 0.5], np.linspace(params[-2], params[-1], 6)] #times = np.linspace(params[-2], params[-1], 6) times = np.hstack(times) times = np.unique(times) return times
[docs] def computeIkPostures(self, samples, constraintSet): poses = [] infos = [] for u in samples: t = self.splineInterp(u) print u, t.GetPosition() reachGoal = self.getReachGoalFrame(self.side) print 'copying frame...' reachGoal.copyFrame(t) endPose, info = constraintSet.runIk() poses.append(list(endPose)) infos.append(info) return poses, np.array(infos)
[docs] def makeSplineGraspConstraints(self, ikPlanner, positionTolerance=0.03, angleToleranceInDegrees=15): params = self.computeHandleParameterization() segments = zip(params, params[1:]) #times = [np.linspace(segment[0], segment[1], 6) for segment in segments] #times = [[0.0, 0.3, 0.5], np.linspace(params[-2], params[-1], 6)] times = np.linspace(params[-2], params[-1], 6) times = np.hstack(times) times = np.unique(times) frames = [] for t in times: frames.append(self.splineInterp(t)) folder = om.getOrCreateContainer('constraint spline samples', parentObj=om.getOrCreateContainer('debug')) for f in frames: vis.showFrame(f, 'frame', scale=0.1) side = self.side graspToPalm = vtk.vtkTransform() graspToHand = ikPlanner.newGraspToHandFrame(side, graspToPalm) constraints = [] for f, t in zip(frames[:-1], times[:-1]): graspToWorld = f p, q = ikPlanner.createPositionOrientationGraspConstraints(side, graspToWorld, graspToHand) p.lowerBound = np.tile(-positionTolerance, 3) p.upperBound = np.tile(positionTolerance, 3) q.angleToleranceInDegrees = angleToleranceInDegrees if t >= params[-2]: q.angleToleranceInDegrees = 0 p.lowerBound = np.tile(-0.0, 3) p.upperBound = np.tile(0.0, 3) constraints.append(q) p.tspan = [t, t] q.tspan = [t, t] constraints.append(p) return constraints
[docs] def show(self): self.splineWidget.On()
[docs] def hide(self): self.splineWidget.Off()
[docs] def newSpline(self, handObj, side): self.side = side handFrame = handObj.getChildFrame() handFrame.connectFrameModified(self.updateSplineWidget) self.updateSplineWidget(handFrame)
[docs] def interpolateReach(self): t = vtk.vtkTransform() handObj, handFrame = self.handFactory.placeHandModelWithTransform(t, self.view, side=self.side, name='grasp interpolation', parent='debug') handObj.setProperty('Alpha', 0.2) handFrame.setProperty('Visible', True) sliderMax = 100.0 def sliderChanged(sliderValue): sliderValue = sliderValue/float(sliderMax) t = self.splineInterp(sliderValue) handFrame.copyFrame(t) reachGoal = self.getReachGoalFrame(self.side) if reachGoal: reachGoal.copyFrame(t) self.slider = QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.slider.connect('valueChanged(int)', sliderChanged) self.slider.setMaximum(sliderMax) self.slider.resize(500, 30) sliderChanged(sliderMax)
[docs]def init(view, handFactory, robotModel): global planner planner = SplineEndEffectorPlanner(handFactory, robotModel, view)
#app.addToolbarMacro('interpolate reach', planner.interpolateReach)